2011 APBA TRIPLE CROWN OF WATERCROSS will replace the 2011 National Tour for the APBA as PWC Racing Returns to the Bluewater Casino in Parker, Arizona. The American Power Boat Association (APBA) is excited to announce the return of racing to Parker, Arizona at the Bluewater Resort and Casino. The event will be the opening […]
Where It All Started
Every once in a while I like to hop in the Way Back Machine, and take a look at some of my first web projects. Those first seemingly crazy ideas that many early web entrepreneurs had, but few acted on. After all, who actually uses the Internet for entertainment? Isn?t that what TV?s are for? […]
2011 Great Lakes Watercross Tour
2011 Great Lakes Watercross Tour announced MAY 22, Rome WI. JUNE 11 & 12, Waconia MN. JULY 9 & 10, Beloit WI. AUGUST 6 & 7, Kenosha WI. AUGUST 20 & 21, Rhinelander WI.
2011 UWP-IJSBA Watercross National Tour Welcomes Hydro Tur
Penfield, NY (February 14, 2011): The UWP-IJSBA Watercross National Tour is very proud to announce Hydro-Turf as our newest partner for our TV shows and on tour as the Official Freestyle Sponsor. Hydro-Turf being a leading manufacturer of performance traction products and seat covers for land & sea is a welcomed addition to the 2011 […]
fter a successful 2010 race season, Upstate Watercraft Promotions, Inc (UWP) is pleased to announce the 2011 UWP-IJSBA Watercross National Tour which includes three new venues and two multiyear contracts just signed! UWP started 2011 out by signing two 3 year agreement with both Panama City Beach, Florida and Lake Hartwell Marketing Alliance, six counties […]

Freestyle Factory Now Carries Freestyle Hulls
Freestyle Factory is now carrying a short but complete line of freestyle jet ski hulls. Most recently we added the BOB hull, or Backflip on a budget jet ski hull. This BOB, the Generation 2 version now boasts adjustable foot wells and some updated design. BOB remains the most price conscious backflip hull on the […]
Wakeheads – Video Review
It is nearly Christmas and everything between the Wakehead crew and I is frozen and nearly impassable. They are prolly not riding right now… I wanted to warm up a bit this afternoon so I pulled out my copy of Wakeheads. If you haven’t yet checked it out its worth a watch. Then again I […]
25% Off All DVDs at Freestyle Factory
Freestyle Factory is testing our shopping cart Sale feature and you are invited to use! Friday & Saturday only take 25% off all Twangled DVD’s & DVD Packs. Just enter coupon code ‘twangled10’ in at checkout to get your discount.
Freestyle Factory Launches New Online Storefront
ANTIOCH, IL. November 4, 2010 ? Freestyle Factory is pleased to announce the launch of their new online retail marketplace at FreestyleFactory.com. Some of the new features include Ratings & Reviews, Product Comparison and a (soon to be added) larger curated product assortment. Freestyle Factory has signed agreements with a number of top distributors and […]