Last week end I was at the Lake County Power Sports beginning of the season party where I met some wonderful people from our motor sports community. Over the next weeks I will do my best to introduce you to the people I have been meeting during my travels. So let me introduce you all to the Stec kids. Quad racing as a passion. You can see it in their eye’s. You can hear it in their voice’s. You can hear it in their proud parents as they tell you of all the kids achievements. I am not going to run down all of the their finishes. Just let you know their names so you know who to look for when your at the races.
Let me start with Scottie Stec Jr. #100 This kid knows no fear. Hey he’s a little guy with big potential. Though his dad often needs to help him kick start his machine the boy can ride. I got some great footage of him doing doughnuts on hard pavement. Even the street bike stunt team had to step back an smile. Then we have Angel Stec #531 though she faces some personal challenges the act of riding a quad brings her focus to light and allows her to excel at her sport. After seeing her racing around the cones that had been set up on the pavement for her and her brother and sister to demonstrate racing for the crowd . I can honestly say she would most likely kick my butt in competition. That brings me to Tabytha Stec #92 Look out Danica Patrick you better make some room for a female motor sports athlete who is kicking butt on the quad racing tour. This girl fly’s. The wheels of her quad were barely touching the ground as she flew around the corners. I was told by her father that she has been know to beat older riders on bigger machines. She is very skilled. The best part was that these are well behaved kids who seem to listen to their parents and act respectful of others. Very refreshing these days. I could go on but the bottom line is great kids, nice parents taking a genuine interest in their kids life equals a family you should know. The next time you find yourself at the quad races look for the Stec tent it will be the one with all the trophies around it and two proud parents there to greet and talk with you as long as dads not wrenching.
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