ROME Was OFF The Hook

Another weekend of great weather and racing are in the books here in the Midwest. The water was shallow and the wind was kicking up waves across Wisconsin’s, Lake Penetwell, making for some superb race conditions. Hoffman was on hand to cohost with me as we TWANGLED the tour, during Round 2 at the LURE. I heard that the 4-foot beer bong even claimed its first victim(s).

As far as the jet ski a day and quad a day, one couldn t even imagined a better arrangement for this idea. The LURE, the restaurant bar and Grill that hosted the event, are also quad friendly. They are also located about a mile or two from the endless trails that Hoffman and I found bright and early Sunday afternoon. Speaking of Sunday afternoon, it was extremely remeniscent of the mid-nineties to wake up and step out of my enclosed to see the previous nights bonfire still burning. They sure know how to have a good time up in the Northern Woods. Hope you can all join us the next time we visit the Lure in Rome, Wisconsin.

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