Attention All You Westcoasters- Route2Outsmart Cancer Headed Your Way
I just got back from a few hours at my neighbors house. Allison, my neighbor, has been volunteering a ton of hours into this non-profit website. I was curious to learn what all of her efforts was about. Turns out that one of Allison’s good friends is on the journey of a lifetime. “Michelle left […]
Helmet Cam Crash
Well just Thursday it was in the 60s here in Chicago, and Brock and I decided we needed to go adventuring on our freestyle machines. It was quite a ride. We began with a blast through the cattails and trees that surround the outgoing canals to Lake Marie. Through cattails and under trees, all of […]
Det-Chi video “Rides agin “
Det-Chi Video has found itself in Ride magazine as they cover the Chicago Air and Water Show. (more…)

New Downloads Posted
Well I know its been a while, but after some technical difficulties, we are once again putting together some Twangled clips. We have 2 new downloads available on our Downloads page, just click on Twangled Downloaded. Check out the Gauley Whitewater Rafting Segment, and a segment from the show we just performed at Red Chair […]

New XFT Boat revealed
Here it is. My new XFT Hull. I have only run about 1 (2 gallon) tank through it, but it was a fun ride. The Freestyle Factory prepared Fly-X, Riva, Full-Spectrum models are now available for orders. There are many packages available. From a hard hitting amatuer ride, to a full-blown Pro Ultra-Light Backflip ski, […]

Beginning today, all Det-Chi Video Produced movies will be shipped for free to anyone having movie shipped in the continental United States. Also check out some of the hot sale prices on Outside the Loop and Star Twangled Banner ! Also on SALE for the first time ever, Twangled View of Havasu Trilogy Packs. That’s […]
New pics in gallery
Just added some new pictures to the gallery. (more…)

Tenor Twangles Havasu
Brian Batman Tenor, one of our crazy teammates just got back from his trip to Lake Havasu where he placed 13th in the amateur freestyle contest. Check out Brian costume. He actually dressed as Batman for his 2-minute routine! Check out Brian’s fans… I am fixin to fit myself into a Captain America outfit, if […]

Twangled Test Ride
Well it finally happened. After 3 weeks of ordering and waiting for parts, and bolting together, I was able to test the Freestyle Factory’s latest product, the XFT Fly-X Flatwater hull. (more…)
Team Twangled booked for fall party.
On October 14th Team Twangled will be performing on our own home water Lake Marie on the chain of lakes near Antioch Ill. (more…)